ASID Illinois Designer Peer Group Meeting


Pease join us for a quick breakfast and tours of three great west suburban shops!

WHEN: September 21st, 8:45AM – 11:45AM

WHERE: 8:45-9:45AM Breakfast at Prasino in LaGrange ( 93 S. LaGrange Ave.) followed by tours of the three shops starting at 10AM 

Please RSVP to to let us know to expect you on the 21st or to learn more about this fun event.


WHO WE ARE: The Designer Peer Group is exclusively comprised of solopreneur interior designers. We meet monthly, on the 3rd Thursday, during the breakfast time-frame, so we have the rest of our day to run our busy practices. Whether we are taking one of our frequent field trips to see a new, interesting vendor source or having meaningful discussions around the breakfast table at a favorite, west-suburban restaurant, we are proud of the many meaningful relationships we have forged between our designer members.  Although we are predominately from the western suburbs, we have designer members that join us from all the Chicago-land area.  Our group is comprised of a great mix of both experienced, long-time designers as well as recent design school graduates and everything in-between.  We are all business owners, just like you. If this peer group sounds like one you might enjoy, please join us!

Contact Dena at: or Kathy Casa at: for more details. 

Date and Time

8:45 AM – 11:45 AM


La Grange, IL
